The MBChBprogramme will be launched in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS)which has been functioning since 2004. The School of Medicine and Health Sciences comprises the deparbnents of Nursing; Clinical Medicine, Surgery and Community Health; Medical Laboratory Sciences, Health Systems Management and Medical Education; Pharmacy; Nutrition and Dietetics; and Public Health.
foundations in design and delivery of the academic programmes.
The School of Medicine and Health Sciences is guided by the philosophical
foundations are consistent with those of the University which include: Innovative approaches in planning, development, and implementation of academic programmes with: timely guidance, counselling and mentoring of staff and students; the use of appropriate technology in design, delivery and review of academic programmes which are focused on community service, facilitation of community empowerment, promotion of fairness and natural justice and maintenance of good neighbourliness with the community.
The School of Medicine and Health Sciences believes in integration of continuing professional development and multi-professional education programs for students and staff while ensuring that there is inculcation and development of lifelong learning s'kills and competencies. There is a participatory-oriented approach in teaching; research and outreach programmes and service, which are characterised by good principles of leadership that catalyse policy development and good
corporate governance.
Sustained quality assurance and standards for need-based and demand-driven academic programmes with regard and respect for human rights and gender sensitivity is the hallmark of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences governance. The School embraces commitment to participation in social responsibility and environmental improvement for sustained development where mutual partnerships in academic research and community programmes and activities are fostered. Finally the School endeavours to remain committed to research for creation and application of knowledge for human development