Doctor of Philosophy in Communication

Show simple item record Daystar University 2020-04-23T10:47:36Z 2020-04-23T10:47:36Z 2009-09
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/135
dc.description This Proposal was approved by the Commission for Higher Education on 29th September 2009 en_US
dc.description.abstract Communication technologies in Africa in the 21st century are impacting culture and the church, altering the way that Africans think in a myriad of ways. While Daystar University will continue to provide, with other Christians, academic leadership to the church in Africa so as to address through research, education, and consultation, the economic, social, political, post-colonial, and conflict communication challenges of African societies and those issues unique to the church of Christ, the Ph.D in Communication seeks to provide further education for aspiring servant leaders desiring to integrate their Christian faith with their communication skills, creative abilities and knowledge of communication and the arts in an African context. Our programme seeks to equip our graduates to function in the 2151 century and beyond on two levels: intellectual and spiritual. On the intellectual front, we aspire to instil within the framework: of African values the following qualities in our graduates: critical and creative thinking skills; confidence to commit to African ideas and values; an • understanding of the larger context in which they live; opportunity to develop competence to compete in academic, corporate, and governmental arenas. Spiritually, the programme seeks to enable graduates to do the following: know God through Christ as Saviour within an African context; develop an individual, authentic walk with Him; share that journey with others; find a purpose and a calling; and develop the skills to pursue that calling. Finally, in producing a network of Ph.D graduates, Daystar seeks to empower Christians with a powerful voice in our global society through, both development and health communication channels, through corporate communication networks, through both print and electronic media, through media professionalism, teaching and academic scholarship. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject Curriculum; Programme; Communication en_US
dc.title Doctor of Philosophy in Communication en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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