Accreditation report

Show simple item record Technical University of Kenya 2020-02-28T08:44:53Z 2020-02-28T08:44:53Z 2013-01
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/118
dc.description This accreditation report is in two (2) volumes: a)Volume 1 contains the Charter, Historical background, philosophical and the accreditation process that let to award of Charter; and b)Volume 2 contains the programmes offered by the University. en_US
dc.description.abstract The Kenya Polytechnic was established to offer training at the Certificate and Diploma levels and to prepare candidates for entry into the job market as artisans and technicians. The Kenya Polytechnic was officially opened on 29th May 1961. An important characteristic of the Polytechnic was that it would in particular offer opportunities to those who were already employed in industry to improve their skills. While the institution would admit some students directly from school, the majority of the students would be those who would be sponsored by employers from industry and would thus be receiving training that was already tailored to the interests and requirements of industry. On 23rd August 2007 the President of the Republic of Kenya signed the Kenya Polytechnic University College Legal Order thereby formally establishing the Kenya Polytechnic University College as a constituent college of the University of Nairobi. Although the College was established with effect from August 2007, it did not begin to function as a University College until November 2008 when the principal for the University College was appointed. The University College has drafted a Charter that outlines the governance organs upon upgrading. The draft was examined by the Commission and found satisfactory. The Commission for Higher Education inspected Kenya Polytechnic in March 2012 and evaluated its governance structures and academic resources including land, physical facilities, library and financial resources. Having inspected the Kenya Polytechnic University College, examined its governance structures, its curriculum and academic resources, the Commission recommends that the University College be upgraded and awarded a Charter to become the Technical University of Kenya. The new University was expected to implement recommendations contained in this Accreditation Report in order to enhance the quality of teaching it offers to its students and play a greater role in the development of this country. A summary of the Commission's findings including an update of the current status is contained in this report. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Technical University of Kenya; Commission for University Education en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Commission for University Education en_US
dc.subject Accreditation report: Technical University of Kenya en_US
dc.title Accreditation report en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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