Accreditation report

Show simple item record Egerton University 2020-02-05T11:42:07Z 2020-02-05T11:42:07Z 2013-02
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/103
dc.description This accreditation report is in two (2) volumes: a) Volume 1 contains the Charter, Historical background, philosophical and the accreditation process that let to award of Charter; and b) Volume 2 contains the programmes offered by the University. en_US
dc.description.abstract Egerton University is a premier agricultural institution established in 1987 by an Act of Parliament Cap. 214 of 1987. As an institution of higher learning, the University plays an important role in the achievement of national development goals through teaching, research and community outreach activities. The main Campus (Njoro Campus) is located 180 kilometers North West of Nairobi and about 30 kilometers from Nakuru on a 400 hectare piece of land donated by Lord Maurice Egerton of Talton (1874-1958). ). The Universities Act No.42 of 2012 Act repealed all the seven Public Universities Acts including the Egerton University’s Act Cap 214. Accordingly, all Public Universities existing before the commencement of the Universities Act No.42 of 2012 were required to take steps prescribed under this Act( section 13 (1), including the an institutional audit, to obtain a Charter in accordance to section 72 (1). The purpose of the audit was to verify if Egerton University had met the expected requirements for the award of Charter. The Commission then established a panel of professionals to study the Egerton University’s Self-Assessment Report and use it as a basis for carrying out institutional audit (verification of the physical facilities and academic resources) at Egerton University, and thereafter to develop and submit a report and recommendations for CUE’s consideration and adoption. The Commission for University Education audited Egerton University in February 2013 and was satisfied that the institution had met minimum requirements in governance, Academic Programmes, and Academic resources. The University was expected to implement recommendations contained in the Accreditation and Audit Report in order to enhance the quality of teaching it offers to its students and play a greater role in the development of this country. A summary of the Commission's findings including an update of the current status is contained in this report. The Commission for University Education recommended that Egerton University be awarded a Charter. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Commission for University Education en_US
dc.subject Accreditation report en_US
dc.subject Egerton University en_US
dc.title Accreditation report en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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